Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer

A serious brain injury is often a life-altering event, affecting not only the victim but also their families and loved ones. A Henderson brain injury attorney can help you pursue fair compensation and hold the at-fault party accountable. Contact Battle Born Injury Lawyers at 702-500-0287.

If you have suffered a brain injury in Henderson, NV, you may be entitled to money for your medical bills, lost earnings, and other losses. Contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can help you.

How Battle Born Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Brain Injury In Henderson, NV

How Battle Born Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Brain Injury In Henderson, NV

A brain injury can permanently alter the trajectory of your life and impair your ability to work, enjoy hobbies, and live independently. You should not face financial insecurity on top of the already overwhelming effects of your injury. If someone else caused your injury, a Henderson personal injury lawyer can help you seek the fair compensation you deserve.

Battle Born Injury Lawyers has recovered more than $100 million for accident victims and their families since 2010. We have over 85 years of combined experience handling complex cases involving brain injuries and other life-changing injuries. Our attorneys have been recognized as Super Lawyers and Nevada Business Journal Legal Elite and earned the perfect Avvo 10.0 Superb rating. We are ready to fight for you.

When you hire our law firm in Henderson, Nevada, you can count on us to:

  • Investigate your accident to determine causation
  • Gather evidence and work with experts to strengthen your claim and prove negligence and liability
  • Accurately document the damages you have suffered and the value of your losses
  • Negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to pursue fair compensation
  • File a personal injury lawsuit and present your case in court when necessary

Call our law office today to schedule a free case review with a Henderson brain injury attorney. We are ready to listen to your story and help you take the next steps to recover money and move forward with your life.

What Are Common Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries are the result of an accident, not an infection or disease. TBIs are caused by a blow to the head, violent head movement, or a penetrating injury like a gunshot.

There are many forms of traumatic brain injuries, each with distinct characteristics. 

Common examples include:

  • Concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries usually result from a blow to the head or violent shaking that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth
  • Contusions or bruising of the brain tissue
  • Diffuse axonal injuries, which involve extensive tearing of nerve tissue due to strong rotational forces.
  • Coup injuries below a point of impact and contrecoup injuries opposite the point of impact
  • Anoxic or hypoxic brain injuries occur when the brain receives no or too little oxygen

Some types of brain injuries are inherently more serious than others because they result in extensive brain damage. However, all brain injuries should be taken seriously.

What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Injury?

The symptoms of a brain injury can vary widely depending on the severity and type of the injury. 

Generally, symptoms can include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • “Brain fog” which can include confusion, trouble concentrating, difficulty thinking, and memory loss
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensory issues such as sound or light sensitivity, ringing in the ears, and blurred vision
  • Behavioral, emotional, and personality changes like depression and irritability
  • Language-related problems such as slurred speech or difficulty speaking and problems understanding spoken language
  • Loss of consciousness

Severe brain injury symptoms can include seizures, unequal pupils, loss of consciousness for hours or longer, and coma.

The severity of a brain injury is categorized using the Glasgow Coma Scale which assesses a patient’s responsiveness based on verbal responses, motor responses, and eye responses. A brain injury can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.

What Are the Potential Long-Term Consequences of a Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries can have profound and lasting consequences that extend well beyond the initial injury, including the following: 

  • Persistent cognitive deficits, such as ongoing difficulties with memory, attention, and executive functions
  • Emotional and psychological challenges, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Personality changes
  • Inability to work
  • Social impact, including trouble maintaining relationships, taking advantage of educational opportunities, or making friends
  • Physical issues such as motor function impairment, chronic headaches, visual disturbances, and sensitivity to light and sound

About 10% to 20% of people develop post-concussion syndrome (PCS) after a mild TBI. Women and older adults are at the highest risk of PCS, which can cause concussion symptoms that persist for up to one year or longer.

What Causes Brain Injuries In Henderson, Nevada?

Any type of head trauma or rapid back-and-forth movement of the head can result in a brain injury. 

The most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are:

  • Car accidents and other motor vehicle accidents. About 20% of TBIs that require hospitalization are sustained in a crash.
  • Falls. Accidents involving slips, trips, and falls are the top cause of brain injuries, especially among older adults and workers. Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal brain injury hospitalizations.
  • Sports and recreation. About three million concussions occur in recreational and sports activities every year. This includes not only high-risk contact sports like football but also diving, skateboarding, and bicycling.
  • Violence. Firearm violence, assault, and domestic violence are some of the leading causes of life-threatening and fatal brain injuries. Personal injury cases involving assault are known as intentional tort cases. 

Many brain injuries are sustained in workplace accidents. Certain occupations have a higher risk of head injuries, including transportation, construction, and manufacturing. About 25% of mild traumatic brain injuries in adults occur in on-the-job accidents.

What Is My Brain Injury Case Worth?

Determining the value of a brain injury case can be complex and shaped by many unique factors. 

Every case is unique, and several critical elements are taken into account when evaluating a claim’s potential worth, including:

  • The severity and type of brain injury
  • Prognosis and medical treatment, including immediate and long-term
  • Whether you can return to your job
  • The impact on your quality of life
  • The circumstances of the accident and the defendant’s behavior
  • Whether you share fault for your accident
  • Insurance coverage

Your case is generally worth your current and future damages, both financial and personal. The more serious your injury, the longer the effects, and the greater the effect on your daily life, the more your case is likely worth.

There is no way to estimate your claim’s value without an in-depth assessment of the factors above and more. The best way to understand what your case may be worth is to consult an experienced personal injury attorney.

Can I Still Recover Compensation if I’m Being Blamed for My Brain Injury? 

Nevada is a modified comparative negligence state. This allows you to recover compensation if you are less than 51% to blame for your injury. However, your compensation is reduced in proportion to your share of the fault. 

What Damages Can I Recover As a Brain Injury Victim In Henderson, NV?

A successful personal injury claim allows you to recover compensation from the at-fault party. You are entitled to be made as whole as possible. A financial award compensates for the financial, physical, emotional, and psychological toll of your injury.

These damages generally fall into two main categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are quantifiable monetary losses that result directly from the injury and can include:

  • Medical expenses. Costs for immediate medical bills, ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, medical equipment, prescriptions, and more.
  • Lost wages. Compensation for income lost due to the inability to work during recovery.
  • Loss of earning capacity. You are entitled to compensation for diminished or lost future earnings if you cannot return to your job.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses. This includes other financial costs related to your injury, like transportation to appointments.

Non-economic damages are more subjective and cover the more profound personal impacts of the injury:

  • Pain and suffering. This accounts for the physical pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the injury.
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress. This refers to the mental anguish, anxiety, depression, and other psychological effects stemming from the injury.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life. If the injury prevents you from enjoying hobbies, recreational activities, and other aspects of life you previously engaged in, you may be entitled to damages that reflect this loss.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you document your losses and pursue the full compensation you deserve.

How Long Do I Have To File a Brain Injury Lawsuit In Nevada?

The statute of limitations in Nevada is just two years for personal injury cases. That means you have only two years from the date of your injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. The main exceptions to this deadline are product liability and medical malpractice claims. These types of claims also have a statute of repose with more or less time to file a claim.

Contact Our Henderson Brain Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury in Henderson, NV, you don’t need to navigate this challenging time alone. You may be entitled to money for your losses, and a personal injury lawyer can help you.

Since 2010, Battle Born Injury Lawyers has recovered more than $100 million on behalf of our clients. We are here to help you hold the at-fault party accountable for the irreversible harm you have suffered.

Call our law office today to schedule a free case review with a Henderson brain injury lawyer to discuss what we can do to help you.